Three Seas Universities Network
March 12, 2025 -Lublin Conference Centre– Room S1
01:00pm – Opening of the conference by HM Rev. Prof. Mirosław Kalinowski, Rector of the Catholic University of Lublin
01:15pm – Ceremonial accession of new members to the 3SUN Network
01:30-02:30pm – Session 1 – “Three Seas Universities Network: Science, Innovation and Cooperation for Sustainable Development and the Future of the Region. “
- Dr. habil. Maciej Banach, M.D., Ph., John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
- Dr. habil. Marcin Szewczak, Member of the Management Board of Lublin Voivodeship
- Vaja Vardidze, Doctor of Theology, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University
- Tomas Nikodym, Head of the Research, Development and Accreditations Centre, Metropolitan University Prague
- Dr. habil. Markijan Malski, Dean of International Relations Department, (former) Ambassador of Ukraine in Poland, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
02:30-03:30pm – Session 2 – “ Education and cooperation – values that connect: Leveraging the potential of the Three Seas Initiative and the Erasmus+ program for the region’s future”
- Izabela Witkowska, MBA, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
- Jasna Ćurković Nimac, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Catholic University of Croatia
- Angela Kahil, Department of History, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
- Darine Zacca, School of Architecture and Design, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
- Michaela Moravčíková, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law, Trnava University
- Dr. habil. Małgorzata Ganczar, Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
- Mr Łukasz Wawer, Director for development and innovation, PCG Academia
03:30-04:30pm – Session 3 – “Science for health and the future of healthcare systems: Opportunities, challenges, and perspectives in the Three Seas Initiative countries”
- Dr. habil. Maciej Banach, M.D., Ph., John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
- Dr. Dan Gaita, M.D., PhD., European Society of Cardiology, University of Timisoara
- Dr. Željko Reiner, M.D., PhD., University of Zagreb
- MUDr. Daniel Pella, PhD., Rector of the University of Kosice
- Dr. habil. Robert Gil, M.D., Ph., National Medical Institute of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration
- Dr. Gustavs Latkovskis, M.D., PhD., University of Latvia
- Dr. Zlatko Fras, M.D., PhD., University of Ljubljana
- Dr. habil. Michał Zembala, M.D., Ph., John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
04:30-05:30pm – Session 4 – “Artificial intelligence in medicine: Innovations, legal, and ethical challenges in the future of healthcare”
- Dr. habil. Maciej Banach, M.D., Ph., John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
- Dr. Dragos Vinereanu, MD, PhD., University of Bucharest
- Dr. habil. Dariusz Dudek, M.D., Ph., Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University
- Dr. Ivan Pećin, M.D., PhD., University of Zagreb
- Dr habil. Kamil Jonak, Lublin University of Technology
- Mohsen Mazidi, Oxford University
- Pierre Sabouret, Sorbonne University
- Dr. Peter Penson, PhD., Liverpool John Moores University
05:30pm – Closing of the conference