The organs of the Agreement

The organs of the Agreement are:


The Assembly is the highest body of the Three Seas Universities Network. The Assembly is composed of representatives of the Founding Members and representatives of subsequent accepted Members. Each Member is represented in the Network Assembly by its Rector or a person authorized by him.
The most important tasks of the Assembly include amendments to the Network’s Articles of Association, deciding on the admission or exclusion of a member or partner from the Network, as well as adopting a resolution on the dissolution of the Network.

Board of Coordinators

The Board of Coordinators is the body of the Three Seas Universities Network that manages the day-to-day affairs of the Network. Each Network Member appoints its representative to the Board of Coordinators.
The most important tasks of the Board of Coordinators include cyclical meetings of the Coordinators, determining the main directions of the Network’s activities, considering requests and proposals submitted by Members or Partners, and determining the position of the Network in external contacts. In addition, the Board of Coordinators may create committees and working teams necessary to achieve the intended objectives.

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin is responsible for the operation of the Three Seas Universities Network.